2nd Grade Visual Arts

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

2. Name Art

Guiding Questions:
• What does it mean to stylize something?
• What is a design?
• What is the advantage of using patterns in a design?
• Do you prefer simple or complex designs?

• Learn to make bubble or block letters
• Review pattern
• Think about how designs enliven our world
• Present one’s name in a clear and interesting manner

• • Use one’s name as the basis for a picture
• Use color, pattern, line in interesting ways


Stylize- to give something a distinctive, often artificial artistic style

Design- to work out or create the form or structure of something; to plan and make something in a skillful or artistic way; a pattern or shape, sometimes repeated, used for decoration

Pattern- a repeated decorative design

Simple- lack of complexity, complication, embellishment, or difficulty

Complex- made up of many interrelated parts; a whole composed of various interrelated parts

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Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.


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